Coffee Mornings 2019

We were looking forward to hosting our annual Soft Ireland coffee morning again! Thank you all for popping in and supporting this worthy cause!
A coffee morning was hosted by Castletroy Park Hotel in aid of SOFT Tuesday 18 Feb 2019. This was held in the Garden Room in Limerick. Thank you to the Castletroy Park Hotel management and staff for their support in hosting this coffee morning and to Nicola Fagan and Michael Fagan from SOFT for making it happen. Thanks so much to everyone for their generosity at Valentine’s!
The primary purpose was to raise funds for SOFT Ireland, promote our organisation and assure families that we are there to help. When we meet people in our community and share our stories of our special children we often find that some of our neighbours also had special little people in their lives at one time but were never given the opportunity or the time to talk to anyone.

Dunshaughlin, County meath
Thurs 14 Feb 2019 10.30 am to 12.30pm
Pastoral Centre, Dunshaughlin Meath
Thurs 14 Feb 2019 from 10.30 – 12.30pm.
THE SUPPORT ORGANISATION FOR TRISOMY (S.O.F.T.) is a voluntary group dedicated to providing support, assistance and information for families of children diagnosed and born with Patau’s Syndrome (T13) and Edward’s Syndrome (T18). Babies born with these syndromes often have serious life threatening conditions with development delay and a limited life expectancy. Support is provided during pre-natal diagnosis, during the child’s life and after the child’s passing.
The coffee morning and raffle will be held in the Pastoral Centre, Dunshaughlin from 10.30 – 12.30pm Thursday 14 February. All support welcome.
We would like to thank our Main Raffle Sponsors
Supervalu Dunshaughlin – Hamper
Champagne Beauty Dunshaughlin – BeautyVoucher
Classic Cuts Dunshaughlin – Hair Products
Cillín Cakes Killeen – Cake

Benmore, Ballyduff, Tralee
Fri 22 Feb 2019 10 am to 1pm
Bud’s Family Resource Centre,
Benmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Fri 22 Feb 2019 from 10 am until 1pm
Valentine Coffee Morning Kerry
Bud’s Family Resource Centre, Benmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry

THE SUPPORT ORGANISATION FOR TRISOMY (S.O.F.T.) is a voluntary group dedicated to providing support, assistance and information for families of children diagnosed and born with Patau’s Syndrome (T13) and Edward’s Syndrome (T18). Babies born with these syndromes often have serious life threatening conditions with development delay and a limited life expectancy. Support is provided during pre-natal diagnosis, during the child’s life and after the child’s passing.
The coffee morning and raffle will be held in Bud’s Family Resource Centre, Benmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry on Fri 22 Feb 2019 from 10 am until 1pm
Valentine Coffee Mornings
We hope you are all keeping well. We are organising a few coffee mornings above in aid of SOFT around Valentine Week 14th Feb, Fri 22nd Feb and around Early Spring. We know that the ancient Romans celebrated St Valentine’s Day, the feast of Lupercalia, a festival of Spring, around 14th Feb.
The primary focus is to raise funds for SOFT Ireland, promote our organisation and assure families that we are here to help if or when they need us.
When we meet people in our community and share our stories of our special children we often find that some of our neighbours also had special little people in their lives at one time but were never given the opportunity or the time to talk to anyone.
THE SUPPORT ORGANISATION FOR TRISOMY (S.O.F.T.) is a voluntary group dedicated to providing support, assistance and information for families of children diagnosed and born with Patau’s Syndrome (T13) and Edward’s Syndrome (T18). Babies born with these syndromes often have serious life threatening conditions with development delay and a limited life expectancy. Support is provided during pre-natal diagnosis, during the child’s life and after the child’s passing.
We are asking members if they would consider hosting a coffee morning.
Contact the Fund Raising Team

The primary functions of this would be to:
1. Raise funds for SOFT Ireland.
2. Promote our organisation.
3. Assure families that we are here to help if or when they need us.
SOFT has been there and has been a part of all our lives in some way whether this has been for the short or long term. So to answer some questions you may have.
(Q) Where and When do we hold event?
(A) Your own home or maybe somewhere in your area e.g. community centre or GAA club.
It’s completely up to each individual to decide when they wish to hold the event whether it be during the week or after Sunday mass or service.
(Q) How should I go about arranging a fundraising event?
(A) Simply advertise with posters, leaflets (which we will supply) and social media, invite family and friends to come along to help make tea and coffee and put out some biscuits, cake, apple tart etc.
Set up a donation box at the door and maybe arrange a raffle with small prizes such as bottle of wine, chocolates or biscuits etc.
S.O.F.T. like any group struggle to keep their finances in a healthy state. Any money raised no matter how small will help to keep our organisation afloat especially as we are totally dependent on voluntary support.
This money also goes towards home support for living children and for parents who have lost a child if they need help in any way. It also helps towards our Autumn Break and Family Outing which are so important to both old and new.
When we meet people in our community and share our stories of our special children we often find that some of our neighbours also had special little people in their lives at one time but were never given the opportunity or the time to talk to anyone. This would be an opportunity.
We ask you to please consider our request and if you are interested to contact Terry for posters and leaflets and help you with ideas for the day.